
Cyathea dealbata Ponga, silver fern

Well known symbol of NZ, grows in forests throughout NZ.


Lobelia angulata Panakenake

Creeping mat-forming plant found throughout New Zealand in damp areas producing delicate white flowers.


Rhopalostylis 'Chathams' Chatham Island Nikau

The Chatham Island palm has broader fronds and is much more robust than the mainland nikau. Also will tolerate more exposed conditions. Please enquire re availability


Rhopalostylis sapida Great Barrier Island

The Great Barrier Island nikau forms a more robust palm than the mainland nikau, tolerating more exposed conditions.

Uncinia uncinata hook sedge

Uncinia uncinata Hook sedge

This hook sedge is variable in colour ranging from dark green when grown in shade to reddish brown.